Our vision is to unlock the potential of every child by providing and inspiring a memorable learning experience for all of us we want our students to stand out by being confident independent learners who are not afraid to take risk and are intrinsically motivated to be the best they can be in addition to this is our main motto to increase the strength of quality stuff in Junior and Middle level by making our existing student as brand ambassador of the school to provide a strong safe caring environment where everyone is valued and their opinion is always respected and listen to create a culture of high expensive expectation in all aspect of school life across the whole School community to consistently provide a creative inspiration and balance curriculum which promote independent moral learning for all just two minute a lifelong of learning with an ethos. Ho where all success and achievement is celebrated inspiring every people to exceed their potential to develop couples specialty and moral value reflecting not only other status as a School but also the rivers nature of the community reserves.
We will achieve this by providing stimulating environment developing an expectation that people not only learn to follow rules but learn to do the right thing when no one is looking listening to and if necessary reacting to everyone opponent valuing there was providing proactive support and celebrate success in all area create a stimulating environment by taking pride in our learning a space in castle stakeholder to take responsibility for our school and while community always apply to school rule in a fair and reasonable Manner ensure that there is an ongoing development and evaluation of the rules. we follow ensuring that all people full and understanding of what being safe means and they know where food to turn to when they are feeling unsafe innovative curriculum and to provide and use a range of high quality resource throughout the curriculum listen to and involve the people in developing the curriculum plan and adaptation to ensure that they are fun inspirational and stimulating and are based on developing a skill for life challenge each individual to achieve their vast curriculum to which individual to follower is exposed Pupil to new idea and content make them say walk leadership and management communicate effectively in sure everyone to involve I maintain an open door policy to ensure all stakeholder all list and to support and valued staff development in outstanding teamwork throughout the school encouraging everyone to take responsibility is developing and building on a star physical within the school and through external role model encouraging School needed to be strong and recessive inspiring confident and to lead by example quality of teaching share good practice to add professional development facility inspiring challenging and creative ration and provide resource in order for them to be successful create a culture where there is a strong desire to deliver outstanding inspiration listen a strike for consistently could listen with the desire to be outstanding letter for every child to ensure that they make at least good if not excellent press make learning fun and optical emission parents and police management the DAV school Palwal will provide an educational environment in which all student will maximize academic potential demonstrate respect for individual differences prepare themselves for future employment have opportunity for life enrichment activities and active participation in a stable leadership of their community as a whole this document was written following an insect day which involve input from austra stakeholder of the school including a staff teaching and non teaching parents and student Council that document be product is not a long list of latitudes but it is the practical statement of what we want the school to look like after 5 years we are going to engage in many new processing a new era where in New Vision statement will be launch again everyone will have their chance to have an Input and we will be setting up site height.
Republic Day tab you promotion of clean and safe environment police Public School Palwal has participated in number of activities this year we have selected the theme clean our surrounding on the occasion of Republic Day they must plantation was carried out in presence of Mrs. SulochanaGajraj not only that the students of our school surrounding by collecting the garbage painting the pots the roads inspiring. The other to do so available as a clean world it is the better way to celebrate a National festival rather than creating a job playing with the music cartoon we have proud on our students who took initiative in this little age in the future not only sleep but it clean too
Unity day celebration on 31st October 2017 our school celebrated the birth anniversary of SardarVallabhbhai Patel as RashtriyaEktaDiwas national Unity day the School has organized various activities by involving the students of the school these activities where plant in such a way that they could convey the message and importance of Unity the School has started with its morning assembly in which the student of different crops as per the message of unity and peace to the entire nation through their speech and group song they also presented the review about SardarSardarVallabhbhai Patel coming to simri the student took place of RashtriyaEkta and promise to the maintaining it throughout the year after the same with the students participated didn't Run for Unity it was started for the school after the signal by the principal of the school the student took to complete round of the school campus with handmade slogans and banners they formed in human chain to a spare the message of Unity among the resident our surrounding in participate topic of Unity health and fitness finally the event was concluded with a place that it will not remain an event but also a daily routine of our lifestyle the school is very grateful to the DAV managing committee who has given an opportunity to all the young one to know about the real hero of United India.
Sim of teacher day it was on 5th September 2017 that Police Public School formerly celebrated its first teacher day with all from cell so Undercover the Gardens of program coordinator x Investor by the entire event a beautiful lady of Vinay goings on which include some formal just showered and full Assembly was presented by the children of DAVPPS in the speech of head girl paid homage to let president Dr S.Radhakrishnan by Re calling him both as visionary and leader who expanded a wonderful philosophy to education for the entire teaching community and thus become an all-time Pioneer for them it was later followed by the announcement of people teachers for the day in which Mr. X was assigned the role of principal teachers and present in a group song in a skit on the theme of education in collecting the moral of time management as the very mantra to get a speedy progress in life as the program script on to the communication of union read the message of vice chairman is message he expressed his if you decide to be executed by the school to prove every child into a wonderful human beings first and then an amazing a scholar who would glorify our nation in the spectral of glow finally it was a time to conclude the program when principal Sandeep Sharma deliver his message to the school in which he was his be concerned about the continuous fall of education in our country has figured by the report of the United Nation Millennium School and appeal to every teacher and a student it take this truck in the international parameter very seriously so that India could come above all in the area of education he called up on girls especially to come forward for this great cause because of their percentage of education for below than men in the present scenario eventually the program of this Radiant day ended with error national anthem.
Good morning assembly are a great way to start the day on a positive note on the class taken to the conduct the Assembly that teaches make an effort to involve all the student at maximum in the special assembly on every Thursday while continuing the tradition this year also incorporated meaning special assembly in the calendar these assemblies where on the different theme to highlight one very specially was need to choose the celebration of ready in a special assembly on Thursday it is December on this occasion the children of primary class is created a wonderful specters I like the value of Idea prepared by the red rose for the Welfare of all human being and other species the children also perform a skit on the occasion while displaying and integration of our language culture religion and tradition through this assembly they also convey the message of sharing and caring in the philosophy the entire audience appreciated the wonderful performance has it was a wonderful in attractive and interesting experience for the teachers and the studentsnational festival have their own flavor in the institution its feel every individual with the spirit of factories I'm DAV Public School also celebrate this festival in the last station of the school celebrated both August 15 2000 and January 26 2017 with all forms and so the principal Mr Sandeep Sharma extended a warm welcome to all the student teacher for unity and parent on both occasions this occasion reminded the student that they are the future pillars and the strength of our country and a great responsibility lie on their soldier 2 national towards greater height and progress each one of us resolve to contribute our mind towards the creating a prosperous self written and cell phone wouldn't India on this occasion our children present it colorful cultural program in the bus and it was a place by one and all our school band also participated on both the occasion in the handbag lots of appreciation from the people surround enjoy the show an image that she had Unity bleed while baking national flag board I went Indian Army Sudan Note with the signing of national anthem the student here then give sweet to celebrate the chasm.
An oath taking ceremony of the student Council of this is school was held in school campus agar DSP guest Mr. AnshumanSaxena Principal DAV Police Public School Nuh was the guest of honour on that day principal Sandeep Sharma presented his report related to the scholastic and non scholastic activity in the school during the last six month administrative by chief guest the ceremony was followed by sardanjali too late Bharat RatanPusaBismillah Khan Saheb and Saini master it is quite true that music has something mysterious about it which effect on both our body and so if anything in Uttar operation at a depression try hard to take a plug into it she will always come out brunch with some nectar which region wait on his head dropping self in a moment in had such a sanathi effect on every object of the nature that something it make that a U turn toward the music played around online the nature of being their phone is one of the many system which have considered the inverter Bill of music has a integral part of school curriculum it is again with the belief that a school started it series of concert and sooner it is so solar it is going to registered at with a SpicMacay which provide so many Renault artist in the campus itself to develop pic women attitude towards music in the young generation.